The best advertising available to any business is word-of-mouth. Liberteks enjoys great success from our customers referring their family, friends and co-workers to us. To show our loyal customers how much we appreciate them giving these referrals, we've established this rewards program. Each referral you give us provides you with points that you can spend here at our website and get some great Liberteks gear.

T-Shirt Liberteks

Liberteks T-shirt

Cost - 1 point

You'll look and feel cool in this Liberteks T-shirt. And, it comes with a handy logo on the front so that the next time your friend says, "can you help me with a computer problem?" all you have to do is point to your chest and say, "give them a call."


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Wall Clock Liberteks

Wall Clock

Cost - 10 points

Hang this nifty clock on the wall above your computer and you'll never have to worry about remembering our phone number when you have a computer problem. The only thing you will have to worry about is justifying staying up till 2:00 a.m. working on the computer.

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