I know, everyone’s talking about the great recession, Nostradamus and 2012. But how about your business?
If you want to continue a successful business you need to control the systems that allow for business growth. Only with growth on some measured basis can it determined if you are moving toward your goals or falling behind.
Especially now that we are in recession it may feel odd if there are no simple controls on your business, i.e. simple controls that make it easier for money to flow in, versus flowing out, etc.
If we look at the business world there are few models of continued growth over a 25 year period. In fact one of the few pure forms of current growth is the geometric growth axiom displayed by Moore’s Law.
No it’s not Rodger Moore, or Mary Tyler Moore or even St. Thomas More, rather it comes from Intel cofounder Gordon E. Moore who originally posited the concept in 1965.
Moore's Law asserts that computer transistor and integrated circuit capacity can be doubled approximately every two years. If we extrapolate this productivity gain into our technology applications and business productivity, we can conclude that we have the capacity to double our technology application and business productivity every two years.
In fact you can put away Nostradamus for a moment and stop counting to 2012 because Moore’s law has shaped your world far more significantly than either of these two totems of popular prophesy.
As you bask in the simplicity and reliable delivery of quality goods and services at increasing lower prices you are experiencing the transformational power of Moore’s Law.
But how are you applying these advances from Moore’s Law to your IT solutions? Are your IT applications (hardware, software, network, telecommunications) light, basic, dependable and strategically configured for growth?
Every business should take advantage of productivity gains available through technology... Liberteks.com can provide your productivity solutions!
Next post: Business Cycle meets Moore’s Law.