Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Win8.1 Upgrade Will Impact on Tech Devices for Years To Come

Thursday, October 17th, 2013

Microsoft released Windows 8.1 today, its first service pack update for Win8. As the first upgrade for Windows, and it will have a significant affect all new computers, tablet, notebook and phones manufactured and sold to consumers.


The significance about …

What to do if Win8 doesn’t work for you

Wednesday, April 3rd, 2013
It’s generally agreed that Win8 is poised to optimize mobile computing for Microsoft, and it will join in the competition between Android and iOS. I predict substantial success for Win8 and Microsoft in the mobile arena.

What is the cloud?

Friday, December 14th, 2012
As a business owner, I bet one of the terms you are frequently hearing about is the cloud. Many of your probably do not know what the cloud is, or if you do ....

10 Daily Decisions for Actionable Goals

Monday, July 9th, 2012

I can't leave until I....
before I come home I must...
By tomorrow I must have ...
This time next week I will...
Only days until I need to...
Where is that...
Who knows, how to...
Can you fix...
How …

LinkedIn Business Tips from Peter Coombs

Wednesday, October 12th, 2011

We received a number of requests for details on Peter Coombs of FRONTLINE Training and Consulting recent discussion on using LinkedIn to expand business opportunities.

Coombs spoke at our monthly “Social Media for Business” Meet Up meeting at Panera Bread …

Peter Coombs to Speak on LinkedIN at next Social Media for Business Meet Up

Wednesday, September 28th, 2011

Peter Coombs of FRONTLINE Training and Consulting will discuss LinkedIn for business at the “Social Media for Business” Meet Up on Thurs., September 29 at 5:30 p.m. at Panera Bread in Latham Farms.

The presentation will include a discussion on …

Small Businesses continue to neglect their security needs

Tuesday, August 9th, 2011

Businesses continue to neglect their security needs,  and many are exposing themselves to serious data loss or theft risks.

Small businesses are increasingly becoming a target of computer hackers, who are moving away from large corporations. For these reasons it …

Liberteks Expanding iPhone Repair Service

Thursday, March 17th, 2011

In an effort to expand services for our customers, Liberteks is expanding its iPhone repair service in terms of products repairs and brands serviced.

Liberteks will now repair all types of phones, including iPhones, Blackberries, and Droids along with other …