Need new technology, but wonder how to pay for it?

Need new technology, but wonder how to pay for it?

With the current economic landscape, Liberteks has partnered with several of our vendors to offer equipment financing at rates designed to help small biz’s afford the investments they need. The programs include:

• 100% funding on transactions
• $3,000-$250,000 available
• 0% lease promo [loans also avail]
• First three months at $0 available
• 1 hr approvals under $250k
• 1 day on larger ones!

Finance software & services under the program too!

Small businesses have had limited access to credit during the recent recession and anemic recovery. Liberteks has partnered with these large corporations to provide small business favorable terms to expand. Now is the time to upgrade prior to the inevitable recovery.

Call for details or to setup a meeting 452-0550x1