SoLoMo Is the Way to Go!

SoLoMo is quickly becoming the way to go.

SoLoMo will be featured at this year's smAlbany (July 17 UAlbany CNanoSE) and we will have some of the leading experts in the field on hand to discuss this new search trend.

Before I go further, for those who don't know SoLoMo search stands for, it brings together "Social" and "Local" combined "Mobile" and they represent probably the most exciting trend in the last few years.

SoLoMo is the alignment of these three technologies -- local search, social media, mobile devices -- to provide local search at virtually any location. Whether you're looking for a restaurant or coffee, your favorite chain store or a local boutique, it's now possible to easily locate these destinations on the go, with priority given for local businesses and services. And don't bother with the GPS, it's in your phone!

It's a whole new way to shop, and to to search for local merchants.Goggle's emphasis on local search began a few years back, in what was called "hyper-local" search. Today, mobile devices have revolutionized local search. We'll always need regional, nationwide and worldwide search, and that will never go away. But local search is incredible for both consumers and businesses.

Goggle’s Head of Partnership Development and Small Business Engagement & Advocacy Joe DeMike will provide the keynote presentation at the 2012 smAlbany event, and we expect him to discuss the latest in SoLoMo search, among other topics.

In these times of SoLoMo Search, businesses must adjust their web site, blog, Facebook and other marketing channels friendly to local search and mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets. As such it is critical that businesses have aps to take full advantage of mobile technologies and that their web sites are mobile compatible.

For help with SoLoMo, contact Liberteks. Or better yet, please share your SoLoMo experiences as either a consumer or a business, and maybe we can share some of these comments and ideas at smAlbany. Thanks!