The web site has become a necessity for businesses large and small for more than past 10-15 years. In that time, a great deal has occurred in the creation, updating and maintenance of a business' web site.
In the past, the most common path to establishing websites was to have a professional make it for you. It used to be that websites were primarily used as a way to showcase and purchase products, provide bios of staff, post contact information.
Today, a wide range of web development tools are available that allow you to create and manage your own web site. These products allow you to add content and make edits without the cost frequently involved with edits by web designers. Also, the market has matured and websites now need search engine optimization, search engine marketing and social media.
Depending upon your business' needs the web site creation tool, or "content management system (CMS)" could be a highly effective for your business. This white paper assess a number of these web development tools and rates their performance. I would urge you to review this document.
Click here to read on and find out the Web Creation Tools for Small Businesses
Tags: Larry Zimbler, marketing, marketing to businesses, small business, social media, social media marketing