Posts Tagged ‘marketing’
Monday, December 12th, 2011
Liberteks will celebrate its 20th Anniversary on January 26, 2011.
Tags: Albany computer repair, efficiency, Larry Zimbler, Liberteks, marketing, marketing to businesses, phone repairs, quality, small business, technology, technology repairs
Posted in Branding Campaigns, Quality, Quality v. Performance = Productivity, smAlbany, Technology Pain |
Thursday, October 20th, 2011
Today, a wide range of web development tools are available that allow you to create and manage your own web site. These products allow you to add content and make edits without the cost frequently involved with web designers.
Tags: Larry Zimbler, marketing, marketing to businesses, small business, social media, social media marketing
Posted in Quality, Quality v. Performance = Productivity, Social Media, Technology Pain |
Thursday, April 1st, 2010
All too often these social media campaigns miss their mark, as the marketing executive or business owner fails to see the point of social media. Social media is not some magic pill that magically allows people to go to market better than tradition broadcast or print media. Instead it is the extension of traditional media into the hands of the social masses.
Tags: B2B, B2C, branding, marketing, marketing to businesses, messaging, social media, social media marketing
Posted in Branding Campaigns, Quality, Quality v. Performance = Productivity, Technology Pain |