Over the years, our businesses gather old computers and hardware. Often, this hardware contains sensitive data, such as, customer billing information, banking records, and more. Many of us hold on to this equipment not knowing what to do with …
Over the years, our businesses gather old computers and hardware. Often, this hardware contains sensitive data, such as, customer billing information, banking records, and more. Many of us hold on to this equipment not knowing what to do with …
Keeping your computer clean and free of germs is easier than you think. If you follow our guide, you’ll have it done in under a minute.
You may not consider yourself to be the cleanest person at the office, but …
We’ve outlined 14 critical steps you should take to protect your company’s computers from criminal hackers.
What is ransomware?
Ransomware is exactly what it sounds like: malicious software created to infect your computer and restrict access until you pay a …
Since most of us check emails on a daily basis, it is highly likely that we’ll be presented with an email phishing attempt. A phishing email typically looks like a legitimate email from a company, bank, or institution and …
Last Friday, businesses across the globe began to experience the effects of this years most potent ransomware outbreak. Dubbed "WannaCry", this malware finds its way onto your computer systems via sophisticated phishing attempts, and once it's inside it only gets …
Online security is a big deal, but few people take an active approach to minimizing their risks online. In 2016, millions of user accounts were hacked and instances of identity theft have increased. All indications are that 2017 …
Why You Should Be Using Two Factor Authentication
Password hacks and personal account theft are big business for hackers and criminals. Every week we hear about a new major password theft. For this reason, protecting our identities is …
For many years now, computers have required fewer upgrades and have had longer lifespans than in years past. Though this has held true for most computer components, one area where major improvements have been made is in computer …
Three Upcoming Technologies You Should Keep An Eye On
There is one truth about technology, it’s always changing. It seems as soon as you get the latest phone, laptop, TV or just about any piece of electronic equipment, …