Posts Tagged ‘IT security’

Keep your computer in top operating condition

Wednesday, August 22nd, 2012

It’s amazing how much we count on our computers for business use, day in, day out.

We rely on them for billing, scheduling, customer information, and various communications -- email, snail mail, social media, and so much more.

Keeping this …

Liberteks announces Community First Tech Responder Program

Friday, August 3rd, 2012

FOR RELEASE: August 2, 2012
CONTACT: Tim Cronin (518) 859-8647
Terri Lukačko (518) 708-5128

Albany’s Eagle Hill neighborhood will be the first to receive coverage by Liberteks’ Community First Tech Responder Program which will provide technology outreach and education in …

How do you develop a voice for social media?

Monday, June 11th, 2012
In the beginning all messages can be constructed from conversational speech or formal speech. These spoken words translated to text and eventually social media change form. They find their voice.